
Your Ultimate Australia Day Party

Whether it’s taking some pride in everything Australian or simply scoring some time off work, one thing’s for sure – there’s somewhere for everyone to celebrate this Australia Day!

How will we be celebrating you ask!? By throwing an epic party at home of course. That means firing up the bbq, putting some drinks on ice and perfecting the skills that are required to be an incredible host (or at least making it look that way.)

Chuck it on the barbie.

Don't be a silly sausage. Everyone knows the grill is the hero of any Australia Day party. Keep it classic with some burgers, toasted buns and tommys sauce. Make your own sausage rolls (Matt Moran does it again) and ask a mate to bring some good old Aussie lamb. Call us smug but we think it’s the best in the world.

Keep the drinks chilled.

Australia Day is always one of the hottest days of summer, or maybe it just feels that way? Either way, drinks are essential. An esky of beers is standard but we're shaking up our 2019 beverage choice by opting for a Mango Storm. This limited edition, 16 serve cocktail combines true blue mango syrup, home brew apple cider, boutique ginger beer and most importantly, Bundaberg Rum's premium Small Batch Spiced. And the best part? Served over a giant ice block it will stay chilled to perfection without diluting and losing any of its delicious flavour. It's also only $145 and available to PRE ORDER now.

The greatest sport in the world.

Backyard cricket! The game that stands the test of time and takes up much of a sunny Saturday afternoon. Contributing to our ever relaxed Aussie culture, there’s not much prep involved in this. You might have to have a dig through your old high school gym bag but it’s well worth it. Hey, no wickets? No problem. Games that go down in history use makeshift equipment anyway.

Hitting that sweet spot.

Pavlova is just about as Australian as it gets. Even if you're not much of a chef, there's no excuses thanks to the (revolutionary, we say) existence of pre-made meringues. All you have to do is whip up some cream and cut up some fruit. We like strawberries, passionfruit and mango please and thank you.


Triple What?

The removal of Triple J’s Traditional countdown doesn't mean we can’t tune in to some Aussie music legends. We took some of the work out for you and found some killer playlists to set the mood.

Australia Day Sesh

Australia Day BBQ Bangers

Australia Day

And Remember! Slip, slop, slap.

All jokes aside, don't forget the sunscreen. No one wants to hear any of this “I don’t burn” talk. Yes you do.

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